It happened just that way on 9/11.
When Antoinette DiLorenzo was teaching English to a class of Pakistani immigrants, she saw a student distractedly looking at something outside. “What are you looking at?”, she quizzed. The student pointed out the window at the Twin Towers WTC, and said, “Do you see those two buildings? They won’t be standing there next week.” Antoinette DiLorenzo thought it to be a strange thing to say, and did remember the happenstance. Someone must have told the FBI because two days after the 9/11 tragedy, on September 13, 2001, the FBI interviewed all the students and the teacher in that particular classroom and verified that the exchange did, in fact, take place. Although the FBI did watch the boy’s family, they could find no connection of the Pakistani family to any 9/11 hijackers. Still later an MSNBC reporter plays "mythbuster" but discovers it to be TRUE. The recent immigration of the family from Pakistan could have meant that the information originated in Pakistan as common knowledge. (source MSNBC, 10/12/2001)
More talk and speculation arose , on November 9, 2001, when the same Pakistani student allegedly predicted the New York jetliner crash of November 12,2001 when American Airlines Flight 587 crashed immediately after takeoff, killing 260 people. (2)Federal air crash investigators determined that the crash was accidental even though an Irish First Responder had taunted bin Laden telling bin Laden to "kiss" something. (1)
The two American Airlines jetliners were Flight AA 11 and Flight AA 77. Flight AA 11 was a Boeing 767 with a 158 passenger limit, was leaving with 81 passengers on board which included the five hijackers. Flight attendant Amy Sweeney noted the seat locations of three hijackers, so that American Airlines Flight service manager Michael Woodward could orders another employee at Boston’s Logan Airport to reference the reservations computer for the names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit cards of the three hijackers: Abdulaziz Alomari in Seat 9G, Mohamed Atta in Seat 9D, and Satam Al Suqami in Seat 10B. According to 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey from this information, American Airlines officials listening in on the call would most likely have known or assumed immediately that the hijacking was al-Qaeda oriented. ABC NEWS, 7/18/2002; NEW YORK OBSERVER, 2/15/2004,
According to German newspaper, Der Spiegel, as noted in 2002, the two 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari arrived on time at Boston’s Logan Airport having been flagged as suspicious persons before or during their earlier connecting flight to Boston from Portland, Oregon. Of 5 AA Flight 11 hijackers, the FAA computer software program called the Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS), flagged three hijackers but bagless Waleed Alshehri went unscanned although baggage of Wail Alshehri and Satam Al Suqami have their bags scanned for bombs. According to the Boston Globe, “aviation specialists have said it is unlikely that more rigorous attention to existing rules would have thwarted the 10 hijackers who boarded two jets at Logan on Sept. 11. At the time, the knives and box-cutters they were carrying were permitted.” (4)
For some unknown reason, 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta flew from Portland to Boston on a Colgan Air flight operated for US Airways and his late baggage never made it on the plane. Allegedly important clues from the luggage of Mohamed Atta assisted investigators when they found airline uniforms and many other remarkable items. (5)At least two other hijackers on Flight 11 used stolen uniforms and IDs to board the Boeing 767. (6)
The two United Airlines jetliners were Flight UA 175 and
Flight UA 93. Flight 175 hijackers were not selected for explosives screening. Only Ahmed Alhaznawi was selected from Flight 93 with his bag screened for explosives, but he was not stopped. The 9/11 Commission later concluded that Alhaznawi and Ahmed Alnami, also of Flight 93, were chosen by the CAPPS computer program because of buying one way tickets or using cash.
Several jet fighters from Otis, Langley, Andrews Air Force Bases responded to the 9/11 attacks. Ohio, Selfridge, N.Y.,Atlantic City Air National Guards and a base unknown from Virginia also responded.
Despite the fact that all airline pilots are trained to key into their plane’s transponder an emergency four-digit code the letters “HJCK”. This action, taking seconds, stealthly type a hijacking alert to air traffic controllers' screens. (7)
Although, the measure is quick and easy to do, during the hijackings of flights 11, 175, 77, and 93, none of the 8 pilots signaled "HJCK". (11)
Flight 11 was hijacked around 8:14 Eastern Standard Time. According to the 9/11 Commission, “Information supplied by eyewitness accounts indicates that the hijackers initiated and sustained their command of the aircraft using knives (reported by two flight attendants). Mace was used according to a flight attendant. Threats of a bomb and deception about intentions were also noted.(12)
As many as 36 flight attendants or 9 on each plane either got stabbed with knives not little blade-less fingernail clippers, not necessararily box cutters. Access to locked by FAA regulations cockpits MIGHT have been due to tricking pilot outside, taking key off stabbed flight attendant, or getting in hijackers way.
John Ogonowski, the pilot of AA Flight 11, intermittently keyed his talkback button most of the distance to New York City, transmitting some hijacker conversation. (13)
Lino Martins. [Source: NBC]
Pete Zalewski and Lino Martins, two Boston flight controllers, spoke about having no contact with Flight 11 . Pete Zalewski says to Lino Martins, “He won’t answer you. He’s nordo [no radio] roger thanks.” (14)
It came out during the 2006 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, that Flight 11 flight attendant Sara Low allowed Madeline (Amy) Sweeney, who was another flight attendant, the use of her father Mike Low's calling card to make five calls from an Airfone.
From the back of the plane, Flight 11 attendant Betty Ong called Vanessa Minter, an American Airlines reservations agent at its Southeastern Reservations Office in Cary, North Carolina, using a seatback Airfone. Betty Ong announced, “The cockpit’s not answering. Somebody’s stabbed in business class and… I think there’s mace… that we can’t breathe. I don’t know, I think we’re getting hijacked.“I’m number three on Flight 11.” (16)
The “Executive Summary,” based on information relayed by a flight attendant to the American Airlines Operation Center, states “that a passenger located in seat 10B (Satam Al Suqami) shot and killed a passenger in seat 9B (Daniel Lewin) ...” Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz carried an article on September 17,2001 that identified Lewin as a former member of the heroic Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, Israel’s most successful Special Operations unit. (17)
Sayeret Matkal is best known for the awesomely brave 1976 rescue of 106 passengers at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. (18)
Flight 11 veered dramatically off course in a northwesterly direction toward Albany, New York. (19)
stops transmitting its IFF which is "identify friend or foe" beacon signal. CNN, 9/17/2001
FAA and American Airline off
(4)BOSTON GLOBE, 10/17/2001
(5) BOSTON GLOBE, 9/18/2001
(6)SUNDAY HERALD GLASGOW, (Scotland)9/16/2001
(7)CNN, 9/13/2001 NEWSDAY
(10) 9/11 COMMISSION,
7/24/2004, PP. 17-18]
(11)CNN, 9/11/2001
(12)9/11 COMMISSION, 8/26/2004, PP. 8
(13)CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 9/13/2001; MSNBC, 9/15/2001
(14)LONDON GUARDIAN, 10/17/2001; MSNBC, 9/11/2002
(15)NEW YORK OBSERVER, 6/20/2004
(16)BETTY ONG, 9/11/2001; 9/11 COMMISSION, 1/27/2004
(18)NEW YORKER, 10/29/2001
(19)MSNBC, 9/11/2002
Award-winning investigative reporter Russ Baker called for a discussion on why so many unanswered questions linger about what exactly happened ten years ago on September 11th. He observed that America has become divided between those who believe in a conspiracy beyond the "official" version of 9/11 and others who reject these ideas as "the ravings of lunatics." Additionally, he surmised that the reluctance of the mainstream media to examine these 9/11 conspiracy theories is the result of professional self-preservation as opposed to censorship from the government. As such, he likened 9/11 to "quicksand" in the eyes of journalists who see it as such a massive story that they are tentative to even begin deeply investigating it.
In looking at attempts to unravel the events of 9/11, Baker opined that one of the problems with such investigations is that they tend to focus on "very technical, particular matters which, themselves, may not be resolvable." Conversely, he stressed that researchers should "pull the camera back" and examine what may be the larger motives behind the event. Baker also suggested that clues to the true nature of 9/11 could be found in the contradictory stories that emerged following the event, such as the whereabouts of Dick Cheney on that day. "The inconsistencies are really interesting to me," he said, "it's the cover-up where you can see that there is something going on, that's the real proof."
Baker expressed optimism that the true story of 9/11 could be uncovered with the help of persistent and level-headed investigative journalists. On an individual basis, he advised people to find reliable sources of information and share that news with others. In searching for those sources, he cautioned against listening to people who "speak about everything with tremendous certitude, that they know exactly what's going on. They don't." Ultimately, Baker said that Americans need to become more "responsible citizens" and, by becoming more politically active, candidates would be less reticent to push for difficult investigations. "I'm not discouraged," he mused, "I think change is eminently possible."
Nor Italian archetec Carlo Promis
Prosecutor's Management Information System (Promis).
Danny Casolaro
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